Together we can do more!
"We can't save the world, but we can improve it. It's so nice to give these people hope for a better future." Quote from Ines Nickel
Intho.keniahilfe eV
In 2021, we became aware of the wonderful and kind-hearted people Ines and Thomas from Intho.keniahilfe through Instagram. They are a retired couple from Hesse and spend every second of their lives helping single women and children in Kenya.
They build houses, enable children to attend school and provide them with food and clean drinking water. In this way they make it possible that the children or women no longer have to go begging and are no longer potentially abused by others 🥺
The two special people manage everything together and 100% of the donations go to the families.
We are so moved by their story and the people behind it that we have decided to donate €1 to Intho.keniahilfe eV for every set of learning playing cards ordered and will of course continue to support them privately as much as possible on their journey.
This small organization lives solely from donations. It's best to get an impression for yourself and visit them at:
Instagram intho.keniahilfe eV or Facebook intho.keniahilfe eV
Website: www.inthokeniahilfe.de
100% of the donations go to the families.
The families are regularly supplied with food, hygiene products and clothing through donations. Medical care for the families is also made possible by Intho.keniahilfe. Ines and Thomas also accompany the children to school through sponsorships.
Become a school and food sponsor!
Did you know that you can enable a child to attend school with just €40 per month? All costs are covered by your contribution. This includes school fees, school uniform, shoes, school materials, pens and books, as well as breakfast and a hot lunch. Or you can become a food sponsor with just €30 a month and provide needy families with basic foodstuffs, thus saving them from starvation.
Every euro counts!
Donation account:
KSK Limburg Intho.keniahilfe
IBAN: DE40 5115 0018 0103 2458 66
Paypal donation link: