Our savings sets
You would like to secure more than one set of our learning game cards. Then our savings sets are really worth it for you. Simply add the desired products* to your shopping cart, enter the appropriate discount code during checkout and save.

Gratis Magnetset
Bei einem Einkaufswert ab 70 Euro schenken wir ein Magnetset mit Bauernhof Motiven. Hierbei handelt es sich um Magnete mit B-Ware Qualität. Nur solange der Vorrat reicht.
So einfach geht's:
- Einfach Produkte im Wert von mindestens 70 Euro in den Warenkorb hinzufügen.
- 1 Set Bauernhof-Magnete ebenfalls in den Warenkorb legen.
- Schon werden die Kosten für die Magnete abgezogen.
Übrigens der Versand erfolgt innerhalb Deutschlands kostenfrei.
Nicht mit anderen Aktionen kombinierbar!

Economy set of 2
With the discount code " BEETWO " you can save 10% when purchasing 2 learning or memo playing cards! Motifs and languages can be chosen as desired.

Economy set of 3
With the discount code " BEETHREE " you can save 15% when purchasing 3 learning or memo playing cards! The cards can be combined as desired, e.g.: animal cards in German, vehicle learning cards in German/English and classic memo playing cards with safari motifs.
Examples of savings sets of 2
Flashcards "Vehicles" - German 🇩🇪

Flashcards "Animals" - German 🇩🇪
Memo playing cards: Farm
Flashcards "Animals" - German/Italian 🇩🇪 🇮🇹
Example 3-pack savings set
Flashcards "Vehicles" - German 🇩🇪
Flashcards "Animals" - German/English 🇩🇪 🇬🇧
Memo playing cards: Safari
Flashcards "Animals" - German/Italian 🇩🇪 🇮🇹
Memo playing cards: Farm
Memo playing cards: Safari
*Except B-stock